Thursday, September 10, 2009


TIB = This Is Bethel

This a little phrase that my roomates and I use to explain the things that happen here that just leave you shaking your head in confusion because you have never experienced anything like it. (Ten points if you name the movie that we got "TIB" from. Hint: "TIA")

For instance... I woke up one morning towards the end of August and began my walk to work like I do every other morning cutting behind some abandoned apartments to the board walk that crosses the tundra. I took one step onto the boardwalk and nearly 'bit it'. The boardwalk was frosted over. IN AUGUST. By the end of the day it was about 60 degrees and I was walking around in a t-shirt. TIB

A few times I've tried to get to the library or the gym and they've been closed due to 'staff shortages'. The 'staff shortages' are a result of the flu that everyone and their mom seems to be getting in Bethel. (watch out mom, the flu's coming!) When one or two people are out these places are on 'staff shortage'. Word on the street is swine flu has made it to Alaska somehow...over 30% of the high school was absent the other day. TIB

We went out boating on the river the other day and on our way back we say a little 10 ft boat with an ENORMOUS moose (weighing almost 1,500 pounds) in it. Moose hunting season just began at the beginning of September after 5 years of a hiatus. The hiatus was an attempt to build up the moose population in the Delta (the area I live in). Everything in the area basically stops while moose hunting season goes on. We're waiting for a construction crew to finish our siding and at the court they say its almost impossible to get jurors right now because people are out hunting. One thing I've learned is that hunting has a VERY different meaning here than back home in many of the lower 48 (that's where you city slickers live). Here hunting is done for survival. Many of the people here practice subsistence living; hunting and fishing for their food. My roomates and I have dreams about tracking down a moose ourselves! TIB

The past few weeks a couple of my roomates and I have been helping out with some dog teams. Dog racing is HUGE in Bethel. Bethel hosts the Kuskokwim 300, one of the biggest Dog Races in all of Alaska. Every Sunday we have dinner with a local family whose daughter won the Jr. Iditarod last year by 2 seconds. Most of you have probably heard of the Iditarod which is Alaska's most famous race and stretches for 1,000 miles. Hopefuly within the next few weeks I'll be helping 'run' dogs. We'll strap the dogs to a four wheeler and they'll train by running around town. It's not out of the ordinary to see a team of sled dogs cruising around on the gravel streets as we head into dog racing season. Before you know it I'll be competing for the Iditarod! TIB

This was a fairly quick update so there will be more to follow. Sorry there haven't been pictures but it takes about three years to load them on the internet here. TIB

Also, I do NOT have a cell phone here. I guess I should have mentioned that a month ago. There are no cell phone towers that call outside of Bethel. Cell phones are slowly making there way here but so far there are no major carriers. TIB

I love you all.



  1. T.I.B. bru! I love it. Miss you maaan.

  2. Haha. Should have known you'd recognize it JD! peace bud

  3. Dig the Blood Diamond reference, my bru. That saying is going to mean much more to me once I hit up Africa in November! I'll be tossing around TIA in my blog like its my job I'm sure.

    Let's catch up over the phone sometime soon. I want to hear that you have killed a moose and are training for the Iditarod by the time we talk. Email me your landline number?

  4. doesn't quite have the same ring to it if you try to apply TIB to "THIS IS SPARTA!"
