Tuesday, April 27, 2010



-Skipping Stones at the Glacier-

-Hiking in Beautiful Juneau-

-"Folk Fest-ing" in the Streets-

-Strumming the Metal Tie-

Monday, April 26, 2010

Emerging from Hibernation

Soooo apparently I owe you an update...

Let’s start with…wait for it…get ready to be shocked…yup, Bethel’s absurd weather!!! Unlike all of you spoiled Lower 48 people, we’re still experiencing winter weather here. Honestly, it is the winter that goes on “FOR-EH-VOORRRRRRRRR” (said like “Squints” from the Sandlot.)

On the subject of Bethel weather...One afternoon I was adventuring outside to go meet someone at the Office of Children Services. As I made the short walk across the parking lot my client noticed I was only wearing a polo shirt outside in single digit temps. She then paid me the highest compliment I think I could have ever received from a Native Bethelite...She exclaimed, “You’re a real Eskimo now!!!” I was flattered. However, I quickly assured her that I was nowhere near “real Eskimo” and that the subzero temps would bring me to tears except that my tear ducts were frozen.

Thankfully, temperatures have started to improve here. Just last week, as I stepped off the plane in Bethel, I could hear gasps all around – “WOOOWWWW, It’s waarrrrmmmmm!!!!!” – “Can you believe this weather!!?!?!” people exclaimed. Left and right, jackets were shed and people grinned those bright, warm weather grins you only see when it is REALLY beautiful out. We were glowing! Well, it turns out I’ve just been in Alaska too long. I looked at the airport thermometer…25 DEGREES BABY!!!

While the temperature still says it’s Winter, our daylight has improved quickly. The shortest day of the year was back in December. Since then, we have steadily gained sunlight at a rate of about 6 minutes a day which I am consistently reminded of by one of Bethel’s THREE radio stations. It’s amazing the difference that 6 minutes a day makes. We now have sunlight from about 7:30am-11pm! Of course, I whined about the lack of light all winter…now you’re gonna have to listen to me whine about how little sleep I’m getting because its TOO light out.

In addition to absurd amounts of sunlight in the Spring and Summer another perk of living in Bethel is the exposure to Native Yup’ik culture…and that includes exposure to some unique foods. Since coming to Bethel I’ve tried to keep the attitude that I would try any Native food once as this will probably be my only opportunity to eat foods like Walrus or Otter (yes, seriously). Without further ado, here are some of the foods that I’ve tried since coming to Bethel (with some commentary as well.)

Salmon – (Really good…The first 17 1/2 times I ate it)
Assorted fish – (White fish, Halibut)
Walrus – (Still had the hair on it and was a TOUGH meat)
Herring Eggs – (Actually quite tasty…just add ‘seal fat oil’)
Eel – (Tastes exactly like you would imagine a creature that ‘beautiful’ to taste like)
Seal – (Not my favorite. Very “fishy” and covered in “Seal blood gravy”)
Salmon – (...Ok, getting tired of it)
Otter – (Super chewy and not as cute on the bone…CLICK HERE)
Rabbit – (Not much meat but tasty. Eaten in a stew)
Caribou – (Really good in stew! Little bit ‘gamey’)
Moose – (Unfortunately, we didn’t catch this one…But still my favorite meat since coming to Bethel)
Oh yeah, did I mention Salmon?

If you’re interested in recipes for any of the aforementioned foods then I’d be happy to share!

Other Bethel notes…

I finally saw the Northern Lights for the first time since coming to Bethel. It wasn’t quite as astonishing as the pictures you see online, but it was cool nonetheless. I can finally cross it off my Alaskan Bucket List!

Despite the vote back in October that made Bethel “wet”, no alcohol has been sold…well, legally at least. Of course, with these votes, there’s always a “catch”. Even though we can technically be a “Wet” (legally sell and purchase alcohol) city…Before any establishment can get a liquor license they need to apply for one through City Council. To date, City Council hasn’t approved a single license and it doesn’t look like they will anytime in the near future. For now, to possess alcohol, it must be bought and shipped in from Anchorage. While people can’t legally sell in Bethel there are still benefits to the decreased restrictions. For one, people are no longer charged with felonies for “bootlegging” alcohol in Bethel. This is really important because felony convictions carry far greater repercussions for our clients. It was absurd that, in a city where people can legally drink, selling alcohol resulted in felony convictions. (Jumping back OFF my soap box now)

I also just got back from an amazing adventure in Juneau where my roommates, my girlfriend Alexia (our honorary JV) and I were in town for the annual Folk Music Festival. While I’ve never been particularly attracted to Folk Music…well…ok, so I’ve always thought Folk Music was a little weird…it was actually a really fun weekend. Where else, but at Folk Fest, can you see someone playing a shovel while their band-mate strums his metal tie?!?! I also don’t think I’ve seen that much flannel since the annual Lumberjack Convention. ONLY IN ALASKA!!!!